Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Again to the wallet for inspiration:

There are no notes here, scrawled or otherwise to tantalize. A deluge of receipts kept for the feelings of fastidiousness I must have hoped they would elicit, not-quite-a-deck of plastic cards and three unusual items are all I find.

1. A fortune cookie missive that reads " :) Maybe you can live on the moon in next century. :)"

2. A note with a phone number and a kiss drawn on it from a girl named Linden who I don't remember.

3. A bank note for 5000 Dong. Strange, I don't recall visiting Viet Nam recently.


Liz S... said...


Jezebel said...

Maybe Vietnam will be creating the first moon colony, so you'll really need that 5000 Dong when you live there.

Euclid's ontheBlock said...

Keltin needs 5000 dongs. HAR.

The Higginbot said...

I'm glad that Chris got to the obvious joke before I did.