Wednesday, April 30, 2008


go on, turn that other spurious cheek and
spurn the one that you let fall
you humble thief
you decadent shadow

stay your hand
steel your mind
you gotta be strong enough to
watch him die
let him go
ignore each desperate show
that patent vulnerability
let him go
watch him die
for the Moloch of your pride
and the virtue of sacrifice
let him die
he’s your sacrifice
let him die
he’s your sacrifice

between an arching tongue of tarmac
and a prostrate one below
he felt alive
for exactly three seconds
from an arching tongue of tarmac
the soft whip of sky through clothes
just a hiss and a trundle
abrupt smack and steady flow
of ichor, slithers slowly
forming figures, undecipherable
like languages, long dead
writ across the sky

so seek some sick mythology
in which to hide your guilty eyes
look away
call it murder, blame the lover
the filthy sodomite
but don’t let yourself, no
don’t you let yourself fucking cry
you need the sympathy
the spotlight
you fucking saprophyte
your only son
your sacrifice
you fucking saprophyte

so seek some sick mythology
in order to attain
some kind of alimentary dystrophy
which mitigates all pain
vomit your profusion
of careful platitudes
to explain away delusions
and make inimical the truth
’cause that’s what they do
that’s what they expect of you

they call it murder here

when a faggot leaps
from a bridge to the street
they pray themselves to sleep
they pray the lord his soul to keep
if he isn’t human he doesn’t need it

they call it murder here...


Euclid's ontheBlock said...

Moloch of your pride is good! Has some poor youth leapt to his death?

Keltin said...

Thanks! Yes, it was my cousin.