Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tryin' to get this cheese

Villiany: lives in Rhodesia in 1973, married, one child.... the rest is up to you: the nature if the crimes, the timeframw their carried out and the physical notes.

Heroism: lives in Eugene, OR 2004, married, one child.... see above.

Our first victim is Liz Shattler.

Go get her.


Euclid's ontheBlock said...

Do we write one of each? Or pick one?

Liz S... said...

Kudos on spellin' the name correctly!

kan said...

I say we do one each: one good one evil. Mere sentnces, a few. So it won't be too much work to do both.
What does the other citizenry of this island vote?
Deadline 7/16?