Thursday, May 22, 2008

Enter Double Dragon

There's a standup comic on the stage- he's all the rage
He grabs his Johnson and starts listying porn stars' names, and its nothing special- its nothing regrettable either
OPh lord what the hell is happening here Chris
Well we got the fUCKIN well we got some fuckin opkay, I mean,
and its not like I've seen t5hius before
I'm such a stupid drunk asshole right now I'm sorry to put yopu thru tyhis and thank you for being a scribe
Smile Charm Camera Lights
And its not like we've seen this before You hesar that freakin tone you hear that shriekin tone I'd just hang the fuck up on her
IU'd just bang the suck out of her
Yopu really want to bang I got service out of a 43 year old this last weekend and iuts true Chris You can scribe it if you want but its true Adn so did i
pizza pie

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