Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am the very model ofd a modern intellectual.
All info pornogrpahic. Evil& intentional. ANdf if you ask the preacher sson, it's rather ecumenncial, I am the flaming epicure of all youi intellectuals. Iconoclast, adn filibustered feind. I find, eventual--the better of my ugly halves. Is hafl a cycle-menstrul. When bleeding on the proicesse's Im eveil and intentional. I am the very modle of an modern intellectual.
I have a paper ready neaming every one deiscenarbel, and ewhn Im in the tubn, my fleshy monster is immersebel. I blew a bubble once, inside the backside of a brommabowlk.
So please don't call Me Sally, I will dunk you in my asshole JEL. YOU WANNA FIND OUT*
If Raymond Faulks is wrong, then cahin me to the wall, I got about 11 lbs of balls.
I dont' thing that;s approaprit.e The best of our intentions, cracked and bleessed. Upon the back of breasts., If pupils teell the last thing the broken person swaw, your mother saw 11 lbs of balls.
THe asskciks make it believeble.

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