Friday, May 16, 2008


Thunderous fizzle, like a herd of armadillo, pattering clawtip sound of teeth spilling over blacktop out of jaw and mind;
The wicked creak of sapling whips behind your ear and SNAP
its collarbone delight, baby,
its hemorrhage, trauma and some odd scent spheres inside your lungs.
The sort of John Updike loathing beating small adorable creatures into paste-shapes so your daybreak brakes HEADWOUND ICECREAM
Finding sharp things stuck in ballskin from the sheets Some massive plastic overweight annihilation worming points
Petrified blintzes sharpened on sidewalks by retards with their fingernails plied off
Nuns afloat in greasy smoke held low by crushing, creaming teens fullbrim with dreams
Head-on, that little crest of bone between your vision and your home cones back and spreads and gels potential all around. You look out from a face you'd caught your nervous glances of in public, in a stranger's car, in mirrors in the backs of bars, your watch, the sink, her eyes (you fink)
it all unfolds like a trap beneath the sky and drives the clouds out roiling from your ugly little ego. You can stuff those bits of wood into the pointed knurls above your tendons- some fat fuck is dancing disco on your grave tonight, Oh Brother.
Don't ever love a child so much that they will go away from you.
Don't ever say those cycling words.


Liz S... said...

I love this. What is the title? Gibberish?

Euclid's ontheBlock said...

Umm... angry keymashing, somewhat.