Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Transient Keeps His Word.

Weird transient
comes in and
glances magazines,
asks closing time,
i tell him,
he leaves.
But not before
declaring his return!
Break time.
Keltin's here at p.o.s.,
He returns!
The dirty, crazy transient
kept his word.
He buys a hip-hop magazine
(strange only because he is an older white guy-at least I think he was white beneath the layers of filth and leathery sun exposure)
with money he probably
just panhandled.
He managed to scrounge up
five bucks in
a matter of half an hour.
Why not use that to buy food?
Because "Mass Appeal" is WAY more important.

1 comment:

Keltin said...

Because mass appeal is way more important... What a lovely ending that happens to be... Fureel yo.