Thursday, May 29, 2008

yeah, Daddio*

Clarity of speech ability to simplify or...annunciate nonsense, but for the nonce, sets of madness and darkenss inscribed with that sword., THose indominatable, delicies. that breathe from relife to umbillical cords. Rusted tips of my confessional tool. THe pen nibs drool. AS i sapproach to boast a coaster of smoke and it's habitual so keep the switche s fool. ANd check the sheep;.
I need another PECK of heat resistant wool to keep, our hearts warm our heads full, casue red BULL< is emthamphitic killer in your slepe. WAke up from your nightmare, slip dwonsatairs, creep wicked eyes keep. With an eye, to the capillary rythm of the street and tweek east. Got the flag at half mast to feed the beast. What's the sum of all the projects that you preach. It goes deep, deep, deeper than you might hold your breaht. Where I swim, casue the thinfgs i shed, the skin comes from within, I say win. Not as peace of ming, but place, it's your life,
liek your face
you rejected it it might sting yourself liek mace.
oh to. My yattitudwe, ste the mood.
CCAsat ion caprece about, to measure how we stood.
But soft, waht light throuygh a winfow brakes.IT is
the east and JUiliet is the seun. see who she rests that chin upo n her hand, oh where i a glove.
Rest upion that hand, misquote the promised land, it's parafizzle in thie MOTHA FUCKA<
and you'll get thre smuckers.,
And my better half is quotin sun of sma son of man, i ll like it when you for ce it down my hand cared throat. SO save youyr gloat, cayuse yoyur freedom barn might need anbother coat. PUNK PUKKA< COME FUCKIN PUBLISH ME*\



DOnt try it bar clar.




Anonymous said...

That is soooo good. YOu guys are soo hot.

Liz S... said...

Oh goodness.